Parking Restrictions – current proposals

We are waiting for Norfolk County Council to carry out the last, formal, consultation on the proposals for parking restrictions in the village.

The proposals are to restrict all-day commuter parking in the village centre and to free up parking spaces for people wanting to visit the village and its businesses.

The Street/Crossway Terrace – parking bays on east side, restrictions on west side to allow parking for 23 hours per day, but not between 10 and 11 am Monday to Friday

Old Road opposite Carters and Wilkersons – parking bays for up to 2 hours parking

Bottom of Mill Lane – restrictions on both sides to allow parking for 23 hours per day, but not between 10 and 11 am Monday to Friday

Birtles Way – restrictions to allow parking for 23 hours per day, but not between 10 and 11 am Monday to Friday

Parking village centre

New Road – extra double yellow lines to prevent parking at the village centre end, and double yellow lines at junctions and at the entrance to the BP Garage/Travelodge/Starbucks

Priory Close – restrictions on entire road to allow parking for 23 hours per day, but not between 10 and 11 am Monday to Friday

Parking New Road

Reedham Road – double yellow lines on both sides to improve visibility, and double yellow lines at entrance to Co-Op and around Church Corner

Parking Reedham Road
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