CPO for cemetery land turned down

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government refused the Parish Council’s petition to make a Compulsory Purchase Order to acquire one acre of Mr Molineux’s land to extend the cemetery at Pyebush Lane.  The Secretary of State felt that:

i)it had not been proved that no other land was available by agreement,

ii)regard had not been for the convenience of other property of Mr Molineux, the landowner, and that compulsory acquisition of this land would be inconvenient in relation to that other land,

iii)that, therefore, there was not a compelling case in the public interest for the making of the CPO to justify in a proportionate manner the interference with the landowner’s private interests and human rights.

The parish council was very disappointed by this and the councillors know that this will upset many residents. The council will be writing again to all landowners to try to find some alternative land for a new cemetery.

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