Compulsory Purchase Order for land for a cemetery extension

I have received correspondence from the Department for Communities and Local Government, enclosing copies of a letter of support from MP Keith Simpson and letters of objection from two Acle residents. 

You may like to write to the Government supporting or objecting to the Parish Council’s request for a Compulsory Purchase Order to acquire land north of the current cemetery in Pyebush Lane
I have of course told the Secretary of State of the many letters of support, petitions and facebook messages which we received, but it may be a good idea for you to write again, should you wish to do so…
If you want to write, you could email
Or Address it to:
The Rt Hon Sajid Javid
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
5 St Philips Place
Colmore Row
Then start your letter or email:
Dear Sir,
Ref: NPCU/CPO/K2610/76471
Compulsory Purchase order for land at Pyebush Lane, Acle
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